The contest is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Here we are again - it's Bloggy Giveaway time!
It seems like everybody around the blogosphere is sick or getting sick these days, or if they're lucky, in recovery from some sort of sickness. That begs the question: why aren't you people making more chicken soup? (Okay, it maybe doesn't exactly beg the question, but maybe at least one of you was wondering.) We love to cook around here. Mr. J. is particularly gifted with savoury dishes and all things sauce-related; I would prefer to bake. Our Little Goat is, as yet, a bit small to actually help us do much, but she's learning to stir like a pro and if any food needed tossing, she'd be our girl! I can hardly wait until she is big enough to help though. I have some good memories of baking with my Mom, and my Grama helped me enter my very first country fair 14 years ago where I won a whopping $18 in premiums, plus coupons, ribbons AND a fridge magnet.
Moving on to the prizes. Let me start by saying I'm no seamstress. I've been known to hem a pair of pants now and again, but not if my Mom is around to do it for me. I had all these plans to sew the Little Goat some very cute dresses when she was littler, but you can guess how well THAT panned out and I'm sure the patterns are too small now anyway, and...I think I gave them to my Mom. Ahem. Anyway, I've been working hard on these prizes for the past week and suffered only minor injuries, which should make you proud.
This contest is open to bloggers and non-bloggers with a mailing address in Canada or the US. There are two prizes to be awarded to two separate winners. Each prize consists of two aprons: one for you and one for your little helper.
To enter the contest:
a) You MUST have an email address where I can reach you. If you have a blog, you're fine as long as your comment links back to it; otherwise, leave an email address in your comment.
b) You MUST answer the following question: How many times did I stab myself with a pin while completing this sewing project? (The two closest guesses win; if there are multiple correct answers, the LG will draw a name.) One of the two winners will receive an extra little something extra (see photo) depending how closely they guess another sewing project question to be determined.
c) Contest closes at noon on Saturday, November 1st. Only one entry per person unless your blog name is over on that list on the side - then make sure you leave two guesses!
If I have no way of contacting you or you don't answer the question, then sorry, but you're automatically disqualified.
Here are pictures of what's up for grabs with thanks to the LG for condescending to model the littlest of the aprons for you.
To enter hundreds more giveaways, check out the Bloggy Giveaways headquarters by clicking here!
You did a great job, too cute. I'm guessing, since you mentioned injuries that you stabbed yourself 5 times. Thanks for hosting this.
You are so funny. I'll guess 3 times.
My guess is two. The aprons are lovely.
My guess is 7! Thanks for the chance and great job!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I would have to say 12 times. The apron are so lovely! Thanks.
Adorable aprons! I couldn't begin to count the number of times I've stabbed myself w/a pin whist working on a project LOL! I'm gonna guess you stabbed yourself about 2-4 times per apron(only 'cause that's about how many times I do) for a total of 6 stabs;)
I am guessing 19/
I was going to guess something outrageous, but since there's no noticable blodo stains on the aprons....I say 13 times.
Hmmm, I'm going to guess 11. The aprons look great. What a terrific giveaway.
I love to sew and oh do I ever stick myself!!
I bet it was more like 15 times.
love the aprons
i say 11 and 3/4 times you poked yourself! :)
If you stabbed yourself any less than 15 times, then you are a better seamstress than I. Therefore my guess is 15!
hnmmmm, can't even guess. but I love the aprons!
16...and ouch!
lilacbutterfly [at]
5 maybe LOL
These are darling. I am going to guess that you stabbed yourself 8 times. OUCH!
I love these matching aprons and so would my little chefs! My guess is 21 times seeing as there are 4 aprons after all!
mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca what a way to choose a winner...If you are like me, the answer would be 27 times total between the 2 aprons...but, since you said you at least um ownED...a couple patterns I am guessing you are a wee bit better than I and I will guess 17 total ;)
ty so much for the chance to win, but even moreso for the giggle while reading your blog :)
stabbing yourself is so easy when you are sewing. I will guess the number 14.
Sounds like a good guess?
echoeve at yahoo dot com
I am going to guess about 8 times! When I make aprons, I stab myself all of the time. Comes with the territory! (especially if you are watching tv while sewingW!)
What a cute entry requirement! And even cuter aprons! I'm going to guess you stabbed youself 9 times. (I can hear the principal from Ferris Bueler's Day Off in my head. "NINE TIMES"). Thanks for the giveaway, and I appreciate the pain and suffering you endured to offer it!
I've been sewing lately, too! Haven't done an apron yet, but it sounds like a good next step.
I'm being punished at work for taking vacation last week, so I don't have time for Bloggy Carnival this week, but I will enter your blog!
I guess 8.
I'm going to guess none! You're so good you didn't get stabbed once! :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
katiellloyd at yahoo(dot)com
I'm probably the worst seamstress so I can only imagine how many times I'd stab myself. Your aprons are cute and I bet you only got stabbed a few times - 3 or 4?
naturedeva at naturedeva dot net
I luv the fabric you picked out for the Aprons :)
I'm guessing you stabbed yourself 3 times??
Thanks for this Giveaway :)
I hate to guess this high but I'm going to guess 23. Ouch!
Thanks for the great giveaway and the purple ones are my favorite color!!
dsmoore1 @
I am going to guess my lucky number 8!! That little apron would look so cute on my little girl!!! Adorable!!!
18 pin pricks!
My guess is 4 times!
auflag (at) yahoo (dot) com
Second guess: zero times!
Haha! What a fun way to enter a contest! I'll guess an even 10 times! Hope I've guessed high! :)
rebolsen (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm going to go with 7 times.
Well how cute! I can't sew at all.
WANT! Those are so cute, Bren!
My guess is...8 times. One for each finger except the pointers, upon which you were wearing thimbles. :)
I have 4 aprons I'm hoping to make for Christmas gifts, but alas, I have yet to even start the first. Prior to this, I think the most elaborate thing I've made is curtains, so we'll see how it goes.
If you are like me I would say 5 times.
They are both so cute, but I especially love the blue one - my favorite color! I think I'll guess that you poked yourself 12 times.
Thanks for the giveaway!
These are sooo cute! Thanks for the giveaway and I'm going to say ... 8 times. :)
Thanks again, Robin
cokelush at gmail
i'd say 10 times :)
Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner. :)
Okay first off, for being a "beginner" you sure can't tell by looking at your aprons! They don't look like beginner aprons to me. :)
How funny - you're giving a sewn gift. Life has come full circle hasn't it? This is where we got our start - and with a sewn gift. Life is queer. {I just wanted to say that b/c it's not every day I get to use the word queer.}
Okay, onto guessing... I'm gonna go with 9. And since I'm the winner, I want the blue-gray pair plus all the extra goodies. :)
Thanks for giving something away. :)
I love that apron on LG. I would guess 37. Probley a bad guess unless you sew like I do ;)
My guess would be 22 :)
Those aprons are so cute, so is your model! Anyway, I would have to say the amount of times you stabbed yourself was way too many to count!
I will say 25! I hope that's on the high side!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I'm gonna go with 4! They look great!
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
Ooh, stabbing yourself with a pin doesn't sound fun. How about 9 times?
I'm going to say 8 times. Cute aprons!
I'll guess my lucky number of 7! I love the colors of Leafy Apron 1. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot] com
I hope that you stabbed yourself a maximum of three times. Leafy apron 1 has stollen my heart.
Well.....I hope it wasn't 5 times, but that's my guess. Adorable apron. I will enjoy cooking in it! Thanks for the give-away! Stacy
I saw that you entered a giveaway to win a Coffee Brewer and thought you would like my Giveaway!
Im giving away 1 lb of Gourmet Coffee or Tea from my new online coffee shop: Get The Bean.
We will be doing giveaways weekly so be sure to stop by often.
My guess 3 times!
wow realy nice i love to try and win one thanks
i'm back i for got to guess and i say 30 times thanks
I'm changing my guess to 25. And you know, now that I'm back, I like apron 2 a lot, too. Hmmm.
I think you stabbed yourself 5 times. Thanks for the contest.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
I am guessing 12 times!
They look great! I love the leafy design! I'm going to say 16, which is less than I would have done. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for coming by my giveaway! Your aprons look great - they will make great przies and great Christmas gifts, too! OK, to guess... you made 4 aprons - so if I take my average for sticking myself during a project and multiple it by 4.... I'm guessing a crazy 25. Seriously - that's no reflection on you - just an estimate based on my sewing skills! ;)
Hmmmm....I would say 10 times!!
Umm.. I'd say 2 per apron? So a total of 4 times? Cause I know once I get pricked I'm extra careful not to get pricked again :) I've only hemmed and sewed on buttons :) I don't own an apron so this would be cool to win!
Lovin' the Holidays Festival 2008
Deadline to enter -November 14th
Running: November 15th - January 15th
kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com
well you seem like your a pro so i'm gonna say 4 times.
thanks for the giveaway!
I'm guessing 7 times!
I guess once.
Very nice work
I will guess 7 :)
Thank you for the great giveaway!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
my guess is you stabbed yourself 7 times! sarah_jakel at yahoo dot com
19 I am in- thanks- please enter me
These look great. I guess 8 times.
hmm...i would love a set - i would guess 15 times...hopefully not deep pokes! if i did it it would be more like 100!andrewandkristan(at)hotmail(dot)com
The aprons are lovely. I'm gonna guess you stabbed yourself 11 times.
I am going to guess 4 times. Thanks for the contest!
My guess is 23. Thanks!
beautiful aprons! I am going to guess 8 times! Can't wait to see the answer ;)
ouch...i'm guessing 16 times.
lovely apron.
They look great and I'm going to go with 14!
Adorable! I guess 10.
My guess is 9. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm going to guess 8.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
My guess is 6.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
My Guess is 21 ;)
I'll guess 16
Oh, let's see. You had a minor injury occur 9 times. Right?
I think maybe eight times-- twice on each apron!
I'm guessing 12 times :)
I am going to guess 17! I hope I am wrong and your poor fingers were spared this pain, lol. But then again I hope I am right and you had lots of boo boo aids (as my littlest calls them bc these aprons are so cute and I can't sew worth a poo :). Thank you for the chance.
Adorable! I'm going to go with 7 times - ouch! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com
How cute!! I will go with 13 times.
gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com
very cute. I guess 36 times!
ps I don't think youre a bad seamstress- it just looks like a lot of work! these guesses under 10 don't seem realistic ;)
I will guess 9
Well, considering you made four lovely aprons, my guess is 9 times. That sounds like a lot, I hope you are healing. :)
Cute daughter, by the way.
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am going to guess about 7 times. Very cute aprons.
I have no idea. How about FOUR times?
I wish there was a science to this! I would really love to win!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
This is an unfair game. If I guess too low, it'll be condescending, right? Yet if I put a big number, it's akin to calling you a terrible seamstress. Ugh. Well, I'm gonna go high, to be different.
22. It's a number that just popped into my head. :)
Beautiful aprons!
This is a fun one. I will guess 6 times, maybe three for each arpon!
rrappohmystars at yahoo dot com
I am guessing once!
my guess is 43..... um I would have at least double that many but, I am a klutz so...
unlucky 13 would be my guess????
22 times
I will guess 9 times. The aprons are super cute!
beccaj73 AT hickorytech DOT net
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